Note that individual digit styles can be cherry-picked using the cvXX features. Subs Subscript Disabled Enabled H 0123 (+)- H0123 (+)- X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz XabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzĪn alternate style of digits. Sups Superscript Disabled Enabled X 0123 (+)- X0123 (+)- X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Numr Numerators Disabled Enabled Hello 0123 Hello 0123ĭnom Denominators Disabled Enabled Hello 0123 Hello 0123 Disabled Enabled ¡¿What ?! ¡¿What?! ¿¡What !? ¿¡What!? This feature is usually disabled by default. dlig Discretionary ligaturesĪlternate style for a few chacters.

This means that for instance enclosed glyphs works everywhere, not just in apps with correct combining character logic. Disabled Enabled Figure A ⃝ Figure A⃝ Figure # ⃞ Figure #⃞ Figure 3 ⃝ Figure 3⃝ Figure 3 ⃞ Figure 3⃞ Inter provides several custom made glyphs for compositions like A + enclosed-combining-circle. If you're making a web thing, you can use the following HTML and CSS: